Entrepreneurs come in different "shapes and sizes". Whether you have had your first exit, are a solo-preneur, a newbie, an intra-preneur, or a cultural creative– Your Sacred Work is for you.


This 5-hour course is a great primer for entrepreneurs looking to better understand their calling, prioritize key relationships, and build real wealth.

    1. Introduction

    2. Human Futurity

    3. Responsibility

    4. Vocation

    1. Building Real Wealth

    2. Four Key Relationships

    3. Your Three Stories

    4. Relationship with Self

    5. Relationship with Others

    6. Relationship with Transcendent

    7. Relationship with the World

    8. My Story

    9. 100x life

    10. More Questions

    1. Your Good Faith

    2. Your Opportunities

    3. Your Loves

    4. The Entrepreneur Archetype

    5. Your Sacred Work

    6. The Fierce Urgency of Now

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content


Hit play below to begin watching the first 28 minutes of the Your Sacred Work e-course for free. Get to know Dru as he walks you through the curriculum of what you will learn throughout the duration of the course.

Video Thumbnail


If you're an entrepreneur, influencer, or a creative who has risked everything for your calling and faced setbacks, know that this is not the end of the road for you.

You are here for a purpose, with a distinct calling. And accepting that you have a calling also requires acknowledging there is a Caller– a driving force behind your aspirations and dreams.

Your Sacred Work isn't just a book; it's a transformative experience, crafted to guide entrepreneurs, creatives, and business owners back to their authentic selves and their true calling.

We invite you to download it and embrace this gentle first step towards aligning your work with your deeper calling.

When you know who you are, you’ll know what to do.


The life of the entrepreneur is not for the fainthearted. You’re wired differently, built for purpose and live to serve something greater than yourself. But why is it so easy to build a business and so hard to juggle a healthy family life? When is enough enough?

Your Sacred Work helps entrepreneurs ask the right questions to get the right answers required to shape the action necessary to deliver the result you truly desire. If you're interested in answering any of the following questions, this Your Sacred Work e-course is for you...

  • What is my entrepreneurial calling and how do I pursue it?

  • Why do I have a deep sense of failure surrounding my key relationships outside of work? Who says I have to choose between family and work? How can I be successful without losing my marriage or alienating my children?

  • Who says I have to choose between success via an exit versus establishing a legacy business? Why do have to choose between getting the most out of my employees and getting the best for them?

  • How can I stop obsessing over an “exit event” and get present to where I am right now? Who said money is the only “measure of a man’s worth”? Who says I have to be a millionaire (or even a billionaire) to be successful?

  • Why do I feel like an imposter despite my obvious successes to the world around me? Why do have intense feelings of loneliness as an entrepreneur despite being constantly surrounded by others? Why do I feel like I show up as one person at work and a different person elsewhere?

  • Can I afford to wait for an exit or retirement before I can do “ministry” work?

  • Do I really have to choose between integrity and success? Do I really have to choose between a profitable year or destroying the environment? Why must I stand by as corrupt, crony capitalist ruin entrepreneurship?

  • Who says I have to choose between being a “hard-nosed business owner” and loving the people who work for me? Who says I have to choose between financial profits and people profit?